Heyyy Ms.Parker Endo-miss-me-osis Yoni Steam Kit
Our Endo-miss-me-osis yoni steaming blend is a part of our "Detoxing" product line. Yoni Love Herbals is well ware of the often traumatizing and painful conditions that women with Endometriosis suffer from. The journey to finding help with your disease can also be very tiring because Endometriosis often goes undetected or mis-diagnosed. Heyyy Ms.Parker Herbalist have created a yoni steaming blend that naturally induces a relaxed state of mind and energetically delivers the vibration of "you are safe" to your womb for the releasing process to begin. "I AM SAFE" and "I AM FREE OF ALL BONDAGE AND LIMITING EMOTIONS AND MINDSETS" should be the mantra that you repeat during your steaming sessions. We suggest yoni steaming once a week but no less than biweekly to help the body, mind, and spirit to become relaxed and to allow the herbs the opportunity to heal the energetic and emotional trauma that is present in the womb.